
Tuesday 21 May 2013

Do diets actually work?

I want to discuss dieting and whether various diets actually work. The quick and simple answer is no in the long run. The whole concept of dieting means you cut things out. When we do this for a while we often find that we will fall off the wagon - be it for sugar, coffee, carbs or fats.

What a lot of these diets don't mention is that many omitted items are actually essential for a healthy body and mind.

Cutting down in some foods is very wise, especially if you are overweight. If you have a high carb diet then cutting this back is good for you. Carbs are essential for our bodies and so we should never cut them out completely but we can ease up on them if we have carbs for each meal and as snacks.

Sugar should be part of our daily diet but not refined sugars. This is where we go wrong. Refined sugars are not part of nature and are harmful to our bodies. To me, honey and maple syrup ar naturally occuring ingredients and can be taken in small amounts as part of a healthy lifestyle. Fruit is another natural sugar. However I would not have more than 1-2 portions a day, as this is not good for you, especially if you are diabetic already.

Fat is essential for our bodies but we have too much or we tend to have the wrong kinds (such as trans and saturated fats). Olive oil is good for us, as is sunflower oil etc if not over-done. Avocados and nuts/seeds have healthy natural fats. If you are trying to lose weight then focus on these fats and ignore spreads, chips, crisps and anything else processed.

Meat/fish. If you are doing this purely for diet, then its not really worth it. However, if you are making a lifestyle choice because you cannot bare to eat meat/fish again then good for you - make sure you have a balanced diet without them. Pulses and legumes should become your best friends. Do not substitute cheese for your main protein as your weight will shoot up, as will your cholesterol and in many cases, your blood pressure. A small amount now and again is fine but do not substitute it daily for your meat/fish as it is simply unhealthy. It is pure fat - and bad fat at that.

If you are believing the hipe re Quorn adverts that it is healthier than red meat then you should realise that quorn is not a natural ingredient either and is processed. Some articles have even linked it to cancer, alhough I would take that with a huge pinch of salt. A little lean red meat, especially lamb (which is very high in protein) goes a long way and is not unhealthy if cooked properly. Smothered in grease, anything is unhealthy. Fish is very good for you, an excellent source of Omega 3, and while there is news about shellfish containing cholesterol, it is the neutral kind of cholestel that does not harm, much like eggs.

As someone who has tried many diets myself, I know what does and doesn't work. Cutting things you enjoy out of your life completely is dooming yourself to failure. As I have said before, and will no doubt say again, everything in moderation. I know this to be true. Cutting things out will cause cravings to kick in and while these may melt away after a few days/wek, they will keep coming back. If you are strong enough willed to maintain that omission, good for you but I know several others who are like me and always return to my vice (in my case, sugar). When you give your body a little of what it craves, just a little, you do not crave it so much and it can become manageable.

To conclude, balance is key. Cutting certain food groups out is not always the answer. Maintaining your health is very important and do not forget to take plenty of water and to take regular exercise. I don't especially like hearing that either bt its true :)

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Fibre and a shocking discovery

2 items on the agenda today.

1. Fibre. I keep seeing adverts for senokot and other laxatives to purchase when you can't go to the toilet. This is so bad for you! You cannot go to the toilet (unless you have an underlying medical issue) because you lack fibre in your diet. Fibre regulates bowel movements. Now this works the other way too. If you go too much (and again, don't have an underlying medical condition), fibre can ease that up.

The key is having a balanced diet. Eating plenty of vegetables and a couple of pieces of fruit regularly. Doing this will keep your bowel movements regular. If you have a good diet and still find you are going too much or not enough, then please see your doctor. IBS, thyroid issues, and other matters can be the cause of going too much or not enough, it is not always cancer, as many people assume. Either way it is good to go to your doctor as early as possible to get it seen to.

My other mention is regarding a policy that is being decided today (and I only learned of today). Big business is trying to interfere in the daily lives of 'the people'. By this I mean that the EU are ruling on whether or not they should prevent people from selling and sharing seeds - such as tomato and other vegetable seeds. This is backed by big companies like Monsanto. Please sign the petition to let them know we will not comply with any ruling preventing us from sharing seeds. It is the right of every individual to grow their own food!!


Please sign and share.


On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Using as much food up as possible

Waste not, want not, people always used to say, and they were right. We are a generation of throw aways now, chucking perfectly good food in the bin rather than using it up.

We need to make sure we plan out meals and if we don't do this, no time or whatever reason, we need to make sure we make something out of the food we have before it goes out of date.

Iwould also like to note that 'out of date' is a relative term. Many items have best before dates that are there simply because they have to put a best before date. Always check the food yourself. Meat is something you have to be very careful with, and fish/shellfish as well. Cheese will last a lot longer than the date - unless its a soft cheese. Let your nose be your guide. If cheese has a hint of mould, cut it off and keep using (not if pregnant, dump it) - it will be fine for a couple more days. If, however, it is covered in mould, or has a good bit of dark mould, please dump it.

Eggs are easy to test. because they fill with gas the older they get, they float in water when they are past their best. place egg in pan of water. If it floats, dump it. Otherwise, use it.

Just because a garlic clove has a green stalk at the tip, doesn't mean its past its best, and as long as it isn't squidhy, its usable. Firmness is a good guide for vegetables. If carrots/potates/onions and other root veg are a little soft, its up to you whether you want to use or not. if a potato is green it can be toxic. If you peel it and still green, dump it, if not, its usable.

If you find food about to go out of date, cook it up and freeze it or fridge it and have it the next day - it will be fine. Rice and pasta will go a little beyond their sell-by dates too but be wary in the spice/herb department. They do lose flavour after a while, so use your nose for these.

There are so many ways to use food up = preserves, conserves, freezing, stewing and freezing, you name it. Please try to use what you buy and save yourself some money by not throwing food you;'ve paid for out!

Throwing away left overs is a bit of a crime. Potatoes left over taste amazing the next day and frying them in a little oil, or using them in a stew/pie is just wonderful. Meats can be reheated - as long as you heat them through thoroughly - this goes for rice as well, as most upset tummies after a take-away are often from rice not reheated fully enough. I have a friend who takes whatever she had the night before and uses it in the meal she prepares the following night. Nothing is wasted. We don't have to do that but it gives you an idea. Your stew one night, leftovers can be the base of a curry.chilli the following night. Be creative and waste not, want not!

On that note, I have written a bit of a sexy witchy/werewolfy/vampirey book (not erocita, but sexy). If you like Charlaine Harris, Carrie Vaughn, Patricia Briggs, hopefully you'll like this. It is available on kindle and now in paperback.

On another note, my second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

My first book, The Stone in the Sword, is now reduced in price: