
Friday 19 October 2012

Controversy on Organic v non-organic foods rises

The controversy over organic foods versus non-organic foods rises as new Stanford Univesrsity study shows organic food is no more nutritious than non-organic foods.

However, this study was not hands on but using meta-analysis of information. Another point to note is that most people do not believe organic foods are more nutritious - rather they believe, rightly so, that there are less dangers eating organic produce, over chemically sprayed produce.

Link to article from New York Times:

In the end it is up to the consumer which type of foods they wish to choose. The article talks about the unnecessary costs of organic foods but anyone who knows anything about how foods obtain organic status know that payments must be made to the correct associations for testing the foods and so on. This costs is added on to the cost of the foods.

Personally, I do not feel that the organic food produced for us is a waste of money - I think it is better to be safe tahn sorry.

On another note, my second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

And you can still obtain the first book, The Stone in the Sword:

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Seasonal in October

October is a very abundant time of the year and while most people turn to pumpkins for the festivities, why not have a look at some other flavoursome vegetables, such as celeriac, wild mushrooms and cabbage?

Celeriac is the root base of a celery plant. It is unlike the celery stalk is many ways, from flaour, texture to scent. Personally, I can't eat celery but I love celeriac. Mixed in with potatoes as a mash or as a bed on which you cook your sea bass/duck etc. Have a go at this roast celeriac with marsala recipe.

Wild mushrooms are especially abundant this year and are packed with nutty goodness. How about this sauted wild mushrooms recipe?

Cabbage is exceptionally good for you. It can also be wonderfully tasty. It is inexpensive and very easy to cook, is highly versatile and really adds another dimension to a meal. One of my favourite meals is Bubble n Squeak.

Fruits this month include apples and sloe, and there is an abundance of game for a truly hearty variety in October.

On another note, my second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

And you can still obtain the first book, The Stone in the Sword:

Friday 5 October 2012

Food choices

I'd like to have a quick post on food choices. No, this is not about carnivore or vegetarian. That is an individual choice. No, this is about choices with regard to where we buy our food and about the choices we make.

I'm speaking about whether people think about what they are buyin and where they are buying.

More and more, I am disgusted by large supermarkets aand their tactics. Minimum pay to farmers and other producers and just cutting under the prices of local retailers. This is becoming more and more of an issue. The more power supermarkets have, the more they can control prices and also supply. They can dictate what we eat when. Now to me, this is an unnatural state of affairs. Food should be eaten seasonally. We should have a good variety of choice but I do believe in small businesses. Many of you will be in similar situations. Local high streets barren due to the lieks of Tesco moving in and undercutting the local businesses, then putting the prices up when the local shops are forced to close.

As consumers, I think we should make a stand and prevent this from continuing. Too many of us think 'I'm jsut one person, I can't do anything'. This is simply not true. Firstly, all consumers make a difference. Instead of shopping in your local supermarket, why not try your local butcher/grocer/baker instead. I know, I know, supermarkets have it all under 1 roof and offer convenience. But is convenience really worth losing competition, local shops and ruining local communities (local shops closing = unemplyment). We do have power and we need to act. In the UK, as well as many other countries around the world we are all feeling the pinch. the economy is shrinking. This is (while not a solution) a good direction to take.

SO why not have a look in your local stores/shops and see what they have on offer.

The other note was on choices of foods. Some items (Like coconut milk) come from half way around the world. Is there anything a little closer to home you can buy? This is a global issue with flying foods around the world. Why get honey from the UK when you live in the US and you can get as good a product there?

rant(ish) over :D

On another note, my second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

And you can still obtain the first book, The Stone in the Sword: