
Friday 19 October 2012

Controversy on Organic v non-organic foods rises

The controversy over organic foods versus non-organic foods rises as new Stanford Univesrsity study shows organic food is no more nutritious than non-organic foods.

However, this study was not hands on but using meta-analysis of information. Another point to note is that most people do not believe organic foods are more nutritious - rather they believe, rightly so, that there are less dangers eating organic produce, over chemically sprayed produce.

Link to article from New York Times:

In the end it is up to the consumer which type of foods they wish to choose. The article talks about the unnecessary costs of organic foods but anyone who knows anything about how foods obtain organic status know that payments must be made to the correct associations for testing the foods and so on. This costs is added on to the cost of the foods.

Personally, I do not feel that the organic food produced for us is a waste of money - I think it is better to be safe tahn sorry.

On another note, my second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

And you can still obtain the first book, The Stone in the Sword:

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